タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 9月22日 01時04分

Pregnancy. Sure looks pretty doesn’t it?! Well definitely on instagram with the perfect, curated images. But, it’s not. The first four months of this pregnancy were so tough that I would cry for hours because I physically couldn’t move. It felt like food poisoning that never left me. I threw up in hand bags and trash cans and coffee cups- I’m sure everyone though I was hungover, constantly. BUT what is so crazy is that women endure all of this and still get up and work (I filmed a movie during, shooting 14 hour days), make their kids lunches and pretty much deal with their business. Here is to all the women and moms out there who endure, get up, show up, sacrifice their minds and their bodies and still love their families relentlessly. Mommas/women out there- I see you, I feel you. We are so damn powerful. ❤️

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