何維健のインスタグラム(derrickhoh) - 9月10日 01時00分

Hey. Are you going through some crappy stuff in life right now? Are you feeling lonely, with no one to speak about your problems? Maybe on top of that you are not the kind of character who likes to reach out for help, and that’s totally fine. This is why I’m reaching out to you tonight. Life can be hard sometimes, I get it. I’d been through my fair share of deep thoughts throughout my life as a teenager and adulthood. There are times when they eat me up and that is when I tell myself that it’s about time I reach out for some help, it could be as simple as talking to someone I trust, or surround myself with people full of positive vibes, at the end of the day, the right company always helps. Don’t let it consume you. You’ll never walk alone, I can assure you that. We are here to get you #ThroughTheNight.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



