マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 9月6日 04時53分

For a decade plus I have been shooting the marketing for @marvelstudios and have shot almost every film for them since. They have been such a family to work with and from Luis to Pisani to Feige to now Gabby and Steve and all the rest! We started with Ironman with @ロバート・ダウニー・Jr who had shown me the sketches months before production and was childlike in his excitement for how this film would be nothing like anything we’d ever seen in the past. I spent 2 weeks on the set on that film and the rest is history. The cast of all the following films from Chris Evans to Scarlet...every actor came ready to raise the bar film after film. I must say when Captain Marvel came up and I found out a woman was going to be the most powerful of them all, I got goosebumps!! @ブリー・ラーソン was so amazing to create with and she is going to crush it!! I am honored to be a small part of an amazing time in film. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE!!!!!


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