マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 8月26日 08時52分

Countdown has started... @hubermanlab @stanford @mauriciohoyos @mornehardenberg and myself are going into our 3rd year of working on the #FEAR VR project. We are working with Great White sharks, and I have a feeling in my gut that after 13 years in a row that this season something magical is going to happen. We have some amazing goals we aim to achieve and the Universe is transpiring to deliver us some acts of nature yet to be witnessed. Our goal of helping people to deal with their PTSD & anxieties makes projects like this the most meaningful and rewarding. If you don’t mind, please say a quick prayer that Mother Nature sends us some pregnant 20+ foot sharks to document, that would be much Appreciated. Science & Spirituality, How about that coexistence.

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