サラ・ドリューのインスタグラム(thesarahdrew) - 9月5日 06時24分

Still smiling thinking about my weekend with my hubby ??? He had to get back home because the kids’ first day back to school was today ??? Peter has been a total rockstar holding down the fort while I’ve been away. He’s weathering every tantrum, giving every squeeze hug, cooking every meal, and generally being the best partner I could ever ask for while I’m away while also managing to prep for and teach his classes!! We’ve been doing our best to stay connected— LOTS of FaceTiming with the kids and with him. What did we do before FaceTime??? I miss my kids but I know they are being showered with love and care and so I can be totally at peace and focus on my work wholeheartedly. I’m a very grateful gal. #datenight #workingmom #thankGodforPeter #alsothankGodforourNannyMolly ☺️☺️☺️. Who are you grateful for today???


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