Nicole Eevee Davisのインスタグラム(eeveedavis) - 8月30日 08時55分

My mind keeps drifting to my cat, Eevee especially around this time of year. Next week she would have been 14 years old and no matter how much time passes I can always feel myself getting sentimental before September rolls around. She was the light of my life and it saddens me to know I’ll most likely never have a bond with another animal as close as the one I shared with her. It was almost unnatural how connected I was to her, to the extent that the day I first held her I was so scared to hold a cat for the first time but I felt instantly calmed after she was placed into my arms up to the day she passed I knew she was gone from this world without ever being told. Sometimes I pray that her spirit will come back to me in another form so I can feel that kinship with something again. Home hasn’t ever felt quite the same without her presence these last two years, and I know a lot of my struggles would have felt better with her close by, but time heals and we move on with our scars. Death is an inevitable and beautiful part of life we all have to handle some day, pets can’t be with us our entire lives but I was fortunate enough to be there for hers and that’s what matters most to me in the end. She is immortalized by my photos and videos of her, in my art, in my soul, and on my body forever and that’s the most comforting part of these bitter sweet memories ♡


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