ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月24日 12時50分

Greece is reaching a milestone in one of the most ruinous financial crises to hit Europe. On Monday, the country ended its reliance on over 320 billion euros — about $360 billion — of bailouts, opening a path to a new era of financial independence. The economy is slowly returning to growth. But that doesn’t mean the painful part is over. Even as the country inches toward growth 8 years after its first loan, more than ⅓ of its population is in poverty, and it has the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone. Even after the bailout, #Greece must continue belt-tightening for years, while creditors monitor its fiscal discipline and progress on structural reforms. For many residents, the labor market remains a rough-and-tumble landscape. A growing share of jobs are minimum wage and at least half involve temporary or part-time contracts. Others work with no contract at all. “The end of the bailout makes no difference in our lives,” said Georgia Pavlioti, who went on maternity leave at the start of the crisis and now makes just enough to afford her bills. “We are just surviving, not living.” Visit the link in our profile to read more, and to see more photos by @eirinivour.


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