ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月24日 08時22分

“There was always something that did well. Now if nothing does well, what do you do?” For the first 3 weeks of July, Peter Martens prayed for rain. At the end of the month it finally came, but by then it was too late for some of his crops. For others, it was too much water, too quickly. Farmers across the U.S. are asking the same question as they endure economic losses because of @ドナルド・トランプ’s trade policies. In New York, the combination of those policies and extreme weather is threatening to decimate the state’s $37 billion agriculture and food-processing industry. “I’ve never had them all at one time,” said Dale Stein, a dairy farmer in Le Roy, New York. “You’ll deal with a drought here. You’ll deal with a bad price year. You deal with a major labor issue. But they’re all this year. ... I think it’s got an awful lot of farmers saying ‘I’m done.’” At Peter Martens’s farm, the butternut squash is covered in weeds; he didn’t have enough workers, at the right time, to hoe the field. Now his yield will be far less than he expected. He’s also nervous about selling his red kidney beans, because higher tariffs abroad threaten to drive down the price as international markets disappear. @libbymarch photographed ducks at the Martens Farm in Penn Yan, New York. Visit the link in our profile to read more about the economic crisis for New York farmers.


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