レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 8月18日 21時56分

As I'm reading this morning I came across the story of Dr. Michael Siegel. On March 10 1933 he filed a complaint at the police headquarters in Munich against the unwarranted and unauthorized arrest of a friend. On his arrival at the police station he was directed to a room, where he was confronted by Nazi storm troopers. They beat Dr. Siegel up knocking out some of his teeth, and perforating one of his ear drums. The SA then hung a board around his neck and paraded him barefoot through the streets of Munich. Historians argue til this day what the sign actually said as it couldn’t be transcribed correctly due to the small writing, although the sign you and I see is clear! If you look at an original picture the wording is hard to see. When the picture was seen around the world the Germans tried to downplay what was actually written on the sign. The intent was to humiliate the Doctor! In America we have the right to criticize our government and our police! We must hold them all to the highest standards. We do not live in Nazi Germany so when people in America kneel in public to protest how police treat young black men America we should all protest! We should protest any injustice in America and there is never a convenient time!!!It is our right!! History is a great teacher that we all must learn from so we don't keep making the mistakes of past societies!! #beontherightsideofhistory

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