タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 8月10日 15時53分

The Painted Terrapin used to occupy an extended range across South-East Asia. Today it is only found in the estuaries and mangroves of western Borneo, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and an isolated population in north-eastern Sumatra. Taronga has partnered with the @satucita.foundation to support its vital conservation work for the remaining Sumatran population of this iconic turtle species. Every night during the known nesting season, patrols protect this population along a favoured nesting beach. These nightly patrols also record nests and females, and then remove all detected eggs to a protected rookery to be hatched, marked and released. So far this season, this rookery, and the efforts of the Satucita Foundation patrols, have seen the successful hatching of 61 eggs from seven nests. All hatchlings were marked and released to help restore the wild populations of this species. #ForTheWild


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