FOLKのインスタグラム(folkmagazine) - 8月6日 11時19分

I don’t do influencer poses, I very very rarely believe in sponsored content (we have one coming this week), I don’t believe that a community should be built and used for hawking fashions, weird products, or non obtainable lifestyles. I believe that whenever possible it’s best to shop local, buy domestically made, and stay away from processed foods...but never shopping at malls, never hitting fast food, and never buying commodity grade toilet paper isn’t realistic. The J Crew outlet is one of the happiest places on earth. Cheeseits make everything better, and hell yes it’s almost PSL season. I do however believe in the power of community and the importance of building community. Around here we believe in supporting makers, supporting adventurers, photographers, and wanderers, and we believe in promoting those that strive their best to live authentic. What’s the point of this post you ask? Well, I could say it’s cause I want to share a couple of photos of myself,’s actually to say we’ve added the most amazing guy that will be running our website and our social so we’ll have the occasional sponsored story or post to help pay his salary. I personally feel that the sponsored posts are a necessary evil as we work to build our website and our social to promote an endless number of makers, adventurers, and story tellers. #liveauthentic


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