デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 7月26日 08時32分

Let's start over and get detailed. I saw a bunch of comments, questions, and lack of understanding today as to why supplements, up to 150 per day are in my life regimen. So let's learn....shall we?
Supplements are a fact of life. We evolved to get all of our nutrients from mother nature, and all of our toxins too. The problem is that even if you eat organic food, food has less nutrients than it used to because we depleted our soil. And we are exposed to way more man made toxins than we evolved to handle.
One approach is to bury your head in the sand and tell yourself that food is all you need. The other is to intelligently use supplements to make your body perform the way you want it to.
The difference in my life has been profound, both from eating the best possible food, and from going beyond that and using supplements derived from food.

When I travel, I am grateful to be able to take about 150 supplements a day to help me operate at the highest levels and deal with circadian disruption, toxins from air travel, and lack of good food.

I am on a carefully targeted program to help me live to at least 180 years old so I can keep doing what I'm doing until I decide I'm done.

What do you think? Can you really get all the nutrients you need just from food in the world you live in today?
#180years #GetUpgraded #Optimized


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