Kids Are the Worstのインスタグラム(kidsaretheworst) - 7月19日 05時46分

We get so caught up in worrying if we are good parents, hoping we aren’t screwing our kids up (too much), that we forget the biggest success in parenting is the same as it has always been: do our children feel loved? By us?

Are we connecting with them every day? Looking them in the eye and saying something positive about them? Do we share our hugs and our high fives?

Do your kids KNOW you love them?

Then guess what? You win. You’re the parenting champ. They’re the child champ. It’s really that easy.

It’s been that way forever. So don’t get discouraged or guilty for not parenting a certain way or not giving your kids whatever it is you think they want/need. They need YOU and YOUR LOVE. And everything else falls into place.

Oh, and make sure they have food and water and stuff.

#kidsaretheworst because we can’t imagine life without them and we have never felt love like this before. Dang kids.


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