Rosetta Stoneのインスタグラム(rosettastone) - 7月15日 05時30分

There are countless places to speak another language, and they're closer than you think . . . We've tracked down some local spots for you to immerse yourself in a new language without having to travel across the globe. First city on our list: NYC. This is #LanguagesoftheCity.

Albertine (part of @franceinnyc ) is the only bookshop in New York devoted solely to books in French and English. Located inside the Payne Whitney Mansion in Manhattan, you could spend hours in a reading nook underneath the painted ceiling and immerse yourself in French culture by reading one of the 14,000 titles from 30 French-speaking countries. @albertinebooks @benedictedemontlaur .
#NewYork #NYC #Albertine #French #FrenchCulture #NewYorkCity #Manhattan #FrenchEmbassy #France #Bookshop #Books #PayneWhitneyMansion #Reading #Language #LearnFrench #LearnLanguages #bastille #bastilleday


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