ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 6月11日 22時55分

Just wanted to say a massive Thank you for all the lovely messages about my book! I’m so looking forward to sharing my story with you. Everything from my insecurities growing up, to dating (let’s be honest I messed up with that quite a bit! Sorry mum, you were right!) ?? to dealing with loosing the most important man in my life, my dad. To family life, girls trips, various careers and lots of laughs! To overcoming all of the above, finding love and building a business. All that is followed by a 12 week training plan, 80 delicious yet simple recipes and learning to love yourself, stay on track and be your own biggest supporter. ❤️?? Link in my bio to pre order!


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