ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 5月25日 07時53分

If you fall in front of people do you laugh it off, become embarrassed and want to hide or do you act like you meant to?
Cuz I ate shit hiking today going downhill. Feet slid and I went tumbling down. Then, at the bottom I stepped in shit. Literally. I’m pretty sure it belonged to a dog but who can be really sure?
I am someone who doesn’t take herself too seriously so after I was done sliding I threw my arms in the air and yelled “Ta- Da”. Then when I stepped in that pile of glory I blurted out “Welll Shit!” And then immediately laughed after realizing what I said couldn’t have been more perfect/fitting.
You’re gonna fall on your ass at times. You’re gonna have shitty days (literally) and some you may think it can’t get any worse and then.... something worse happens. It’s how you handle the shitty days that matter. Pun intended ?
Leggings, hoodie and backpack all from @1stphorm ?


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