National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 5月22日 22時15分

photo by @andrea_frazzetta // A panoramic view of the forest surrounding Mount Ijen. - Swipe left for the rest -
Mount Ijen, on the Island of Java, Indonesia, hosts one of the last remaining active sulfur mines in the world.
Active since 1968, the mine produces 14 tons of sulfur per day, which is mainly exported to China and Southeast Asia.
Indonesia is situated on the Ring of Fire—a 25,000-mile seismically active belt of volcanoes and tectonic plate boundaries that frame the Pacific basin. About five million Indonesians live and work near active volcanoes, where farming soil is most fertile. Java alone is home to 141 million people—one of the most densely populated islands on Earth.
“Sulfur Road” my latest assignment for National Geographic is online, check it on NatGeo website and follow @andrea_frazzetta to know more about this story #natgeotravel #ijen #java #indonesia


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