エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 5月11日 05時36分

In the gym with @1stphorm #optigreens50 💚 lately I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed and in trying to juggle too much I’ve been making mistakes trying to operate from a rushed place of fear rather than staying centered and looking after myself and taking my time. I read recently that lack of patience is a lack of trust, that resonated with me at the moment and reminded me how important it is to stay grounded and in control especially when things are overwhelming. Things will always work out for the best when you’re working from a headspace of abundance and openness and faith. In the meantime it’s important to stay taking care of myself physically which is why I love optigreens because it delivers all the micronutrients and superfoods I miss out on when I’m running around like a crazy chicken! If you’re looking after too much on your plate make sure you aren’t forgetting to look after number 1 first. #duespaid #iam1stphorm #1stphorm


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