ミア・ハリファのインスタグラム(miakhalifa) - 5月3日 07時32分

The donation in Eddie’s honor has been made! Thank you to everyone who helped us raise the money, to the guests who came on the stream, the mods who helped keep the chat in check, and to Jerf for helping put it together in such short notice! Included in this donation is my twitch earnings for the month of April rounded up to an even $6,000, as well as the tattoo I promised to get if we reached our goal of raising $5,000! The story behind the tattoo is the story of how I knew Eddie, and the joy and laughter he brought into my life: We met in my twitch chat where he asked to play Fortnite with me, he wanted to help me win my first match. He was Norwegian so he taught me how to say “people” while I played lookout, he said the word was “Fitte.” After yelling “Fitte” whenever I saw someone, I found out at the end of the stream that I had actually been yelling “Cunt” the entire time. You will be missed, Eddie. All of your friends tell me that you made them laugh, and I am honored to have been one of those people you made laugh. I’ll always smile when I look down and see my little Fitte ?♥️ Suicide can be prevented... if you ever feel alone, please please please reach out and talk to someone. The world has so much love to give you, you are never as alone as you feel ♥️ #ForEddie #Fitte


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




