ミア・ハリファのインスタグラム(miakhalifa) - 4月22日 04時40分

This shirt is now available in my store (link in my bio). 100% of proceeds will be donated towards #SuicidePrevention efforts by Save.org. Call me, call a friend, call a relative, call your local pizza joint, or call this phone number. Call anyone & talk, I promise it gets better, and I promise there will always be ears willing to lend their services if you need help or are going through a contemplative and tough time. I urge you guys today to make the first move, and to call someone you care about and just tell them they’re loved and appreciated. Tomorrow I will be hosting my charity live stream on Twitch.tv/MiaKhalifa to raise money for this cause if y’all want to tune in. 1(800) 273-8255. #ForEddie ♥️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




