ナイジェラ・ローソンのインスタグラム(nigellalawson) - 5月3日 04時27分

You just can’t beat home cooking. And chicken. Of course chicken. I made the spatchcocked chicken with miso and sesame seeds (from At My Table), adding some leeks at the very beginning of cooking, so that they become soft and soused in golden savouriness. On the side, I made the garlic mash, also from At My Table, only without the Parmesan (not necessary with the miso chicken) and with Purple Majesty potatoes. Not pretty to look at, but what care I (or anyone eating them)? And I also roasted some asparagus to go with. We are all very full and very happy now (and don’t worry, this is just my plate, not the whole deal). #homecooking #chicken #atmytable


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