ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月23日 22時08分

The newest front line in America’s global shadow war: a drone base about 2 miles from the city of Agadez, in north-central Niger. When finished, the $110 million airfield will be used to stalk or strike extremists deep into West and North Africa. Nearby, Army Green Berets are training Nigerien forces to carry out counterterrorism raids or fend off an enemy ambush — like the 1 that killed 4 American soldiers near the Mali border last fall. These parallel missions reflect a largely undeclared American military buildup outside the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. In Niger alone, the Pentagon in the past few years has doubled the number of U.S. troops, to about 800. American and Nigerien officials see enhanced security in drone operations, but others fear a potentially destabilizing impact that could hand valuable recruiting propaganda to groups aligned with Al Qaeda and ISIS. @taratwphoto took this photo outside the mosque in Agadez. American officials have sought to allay fears of local residents that the new drone base could be a target for terrorist attacks. Visit the link in our profile to read about what @ニューヨーク・タイムズ journalists found when they visited Air Base 201, the largest construction project that Air Force engineers have ever undertaken alone.


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