コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 4月14日 04時54分

We need exercise to live. Our bodies need motion to stay healthy. Decades of medical research support the benefit of exercise on a daily basis. By following a regimen of daily activity and a sound diet we have the two most accessible ways to improve our health. Outdoor physical activity brings the benefit of fresh air and a connection to the weather. The sound of wind and the seasonal smells of the land are a balancing antidote to the oversubscribed world we live in. By looking to have parks and open space accessible to all citizens, with in a short walk or bike ride is common sense. It’s a part of life, yet it is one that requires the investment of out time and effort. To this end @trustforpublicland is a guiding light. ? • Luke Not on Social Media Skywalker, Grants Crack 5.9. Yosemite National Park


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