#atsushizm このたびは以前から友人として親交のある中日ドラゴンズの松坂大輔くんの応援歌を個人的に、自分の結成したバンド、RED DIAMOND DOGSで作らせていただきました‼️ そして今日はナゴヤドームまで応援に行かせていただきました‼️正直こんな気持ちで野球を見たのは、初めてでした。  松坂世代という言葉があるように、彼の存在は僕ら松坂世代にとっては、夢と希望を与えてくれる存在です。 今回の彼の復活は、間違いなく、日本中の松坂世代、そしてプロ野球ファンのみなさまのみならず、なによりお茶の間のみなさまにも、夢と希望を与えてくれると感じています。  彼とは西武ライオンズ時代から仲良くさせていただいていますが、彼がケガをされて、手術をされてから、初めて少しだけ悩んでいるような彼の姿に触れることもありました。EXILEで応援させていただいていた時とは、また違う形で、自分に何かできないかと考えるようになりました。 同じ世代だからなのか偶然か、彼がソフトバンクホークスで悩んでいるころ、僕も歌手としての道で、迷いの中にいました。 その時、僕は音楽で支えることができず、彼もまた出番の機会を失いかけていました。 人生には何度もチャンスがありますが、その一つ一つを大切にしていないと、思わぬ方向に向かってしまうこともあります。 そのチャンスを必死で掴もうとしている松坂くんに、ほんの少しかもしれませんが、背中を押せる様なそんな曲を作れたらという思いで、今回の楽曲を作らせていただきました。 “Red Soul Blue Dragon” その名の通り、赤い魂を持った青のドラゴン。 彼の今の気持ちと、松坂世代の想いを乗せて作らせていただきました。 彼の悔いのない野球人生を少しでも応援させていただけたら、歌手冥利に尽きます。  残念ながら、今日は負けてしまいましたが、必ずや松坂くんの勝利をこの目に焼き付ける日はそう遠くないと確信しました‼️だいちゃん応援してます‼️そして夢をありがとう‼️  I made a song for Daisuke Matsuzaka, who is a player for the Chunichi Dragons. We’ve been friends for awhile. The song was created by my band, RED DIAMOND DOGS!  And today I went to Nagoya to cheer him on! Honestly it was a new feeling to watch baseball this time. There is a phrase “Matsuzaka generation.” Just as this phrase shows dreams and hope, that’s what I felt.  I feel that his return this time will definitely give us dreams and hope not only for baseball fans, but also for everyone who was there.   I have been friends with him since he was in the Lions, but when he had his injury and had surgery I felt his vulnerability. At the time I was supporting him as EXILE but I used to always think what I could do for him.   When he was having a hard time at the Hawks, I was also going through tough times. At the time, I was not able to support him with music.  There are opportunities in life many times, but if you do not cherish each one, you may head to an unexpected direction. I made this song for D to be able to help him - push his back a little bit. It’s called “Red Soul Blue Dragon".  As the name suggests, it’s about a blue dragon with a red soul. I pray that he will be able to fulfill all his ambitions.  Unfortunately, they lost today but I ‘m certain that I’ll be able to see him win!

exile_atsushi_officialさん(@exile_atsushi_official)が投稿した動画 -

ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 4月5日 21時40分

このたびは以前から友人として親交のある中日ドラゴンズの松坂大輔くんの応援歌を個人的に、自分の結成したバンド、RED DIAMOND DOGSで作らせていただきました‼️


“Red Soul Blue Dragon”


I made a song for Daisuke Matsuzaka, who is a player for the Chunichi Dragons. We’ve been friends for awhile. The song was created by my band, RED DIAMOND DOGS! 
And today I went to Nagoya to cheer him on! Honestly it was a new feeling to watch baseball this time. There is a phrase “Matsuzaka generation.” Just as this phrase shows dreams and hope, that’s what I felt. 
I feel that his return this time will definitely give us dreams and hope not only for baseball fans, but also for everyone who was there. 

I have been friends with him since he was in the Lions, but when he had his injury and had surgery I felt his vulnerability. At the time I was supporting him as EXILE but I used to always think what I could do for him. 

When he was having a hard time at the Hawks, I was also going through tough times. At the time, I was not able to support him with music. 
There are opportunities in life many times, but if you do not cherish each one, you may head to an unexpected direction.
I made this song for D to be able to help him - push his back a little bit. It’s called “Red Soul Blue Dragon". 
As the name suggests, it’s about a blue dragon with a red soul.
I pray that he will be able to fulfill all his ambitions. 
Unfortunately, they lost today but I ‘m certain that I’ll be able to see him win!

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