Peta Murgatroydのインスタグラム(petamurgatroyd) - 3月28日 23時37分

Because I don’t get to put Shai to bed on show nights, I like to get our bedtime stories in around 6pm ❤️ But did you know approximately 758 million individuals, globally, lack basic reading and writing skills? Literacy is the gateway to employment, better physical and emotional
health, stronger families and communities and less crime. I was very fortunate to have had access to these basic rights of education, and I’m even more fortunate to be able to share them with Shai. For those other 758 million people, @alfalit_int (a faith based non-profit and 501(c)(3) organization) is working hard to drastically reduce this number in its mission to eradicate illiteracy around the world! You can help! Visit to see how you can make a difference! #MVPxAlfalit


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