のインスタグラム(auroraperrineau) - 3月28日 11時58分

In case you missed it while you were scrolling through Instagram , liking pointless shit , much like myself. Alton Sterlings killers got off today, no charges will be filed.
They have ruled that the officers actions were lawful , justified .
I’m not sure how you get off from a video like that.
This isn’t just a black vs. white issue , this is a humanity issue . We’re clearly losing our humanity, I’m watching it slip further and further away day by day. How do we reclaim our humanity?When are we going to start standing up for one another ?? When is the justice system going to stop failing black people ?!?
I have endless questions , a lot of anger , and 0 answers.
Let’s start doing shit and stop just talking about it.

If he can’t breathe , neither can we.


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