ミンカ・ケリーのインスタグラム(minkakelly) - 3月19日 05時32分

My sweet angel baby girl.
My Chewy...
I still can’t quite catch my breath.
My heart is broken into a million pieces.
Thank you for 13 years of true and unconditional love.
Thank you for growing with me as we ventured out into the world.
We’ve lived all over the place and what a trooper you were.
You made everywhere new and foreign feel like home.
You were the first living thing I was responsible for and the first living thing who’s love I trusted.
You've seen me through it all... You were my rock during the hard times and taught me humility during the good.
What a divine gift and love you were.
I hope you’re out there somewhere running through a forest chewing on sticks and chasing squirrels.
I hope you’re with my momma.
Give her all the kisses for me and make sure she knows how much we’ve missed her.
Thank you for choosing me to be your momma.
I’d suffer this heartache a million times over to do it all again.
I love you forever, my puppy.


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