Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 3月15日 08時51分

PLEASE READ! Living along side predators is hard and complex work...and solutions don’t come easy. My good friend, Malou Anderson-Ramirez, proposed a groundbreaking idea to National Geographic Genius Challenge that could alter the relationship between ranching and wildlife, and change the way agriculturalists worldwide live with predators. Her idea was selected by Nat Geo as a Top 10 Finalist for the Nat Geo Chasing Genius Grant. Malou, a 3rd generation native of Tom Miner Basin, Montana, is an incredible voice for both ranching and wildlife communities in the Greater Yellowstone, and her solution is powerful. Friends, family and followers we need YOU to go to @ナショナルジオグラフィック and vote for her video. Watch her video, find out more and please VOTE with the link in my profile. And lastly please spread the word to your circles far and wide!


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