ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月7日 10時53分

Bryant Neal Vinas, a convicted terrorist from Long Island, thought he was going into witness protection, with a home far away and a new identity, after he helped the American government battle Al Qaeda as one of the most important cooperators in the government’s fight against terrorism. Captured in 2008 after training for months at Qaeda camps, Bryant quickly turned on his fellow jihadists and began helping American investigators dismantle the group. Even the federal judge who sentenced him described his cooperation as “remarkable.” “I helped them kill my friends,” Bryant said. He added, “If that doesn’t show how you’re willing to turn your life around, I don’t know what will.” But when he was released from federal prison last year, he found the government decided against giving him protection. The decision could affect future government cases as defense lawyers weigh whether to help prosecutors. The F.B.I. and federal prosecutors have long relied on informants to build cases and current and former law enforcement officials questioned whether potential cooperators would decline to help the government without a guarantee of safety in return. @jbrightphoto took this photo of Bryant, who is unemployed and on food stamps, outside the office of his attorney. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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