ジャクリーン・ジョッサのインスタグラム(jacjossa) - 2月12日 18時15分

Ellas first birthday cake of the week??she is going to school today and bringing in come cup cakes and a bday cake for all of her friends she’s is the cutest little thing in the world, I am so excited for her bday week!! She is so lucky, but we are too! So many people in her life that love her and she has all she needs! Best grandad in the world and the best nanny’s ever! I love her too bits and cannot quite believe she’s gonna be 3!! Also all the mums and dads out there why is it so much harder 2 turning 3, than 1 turning 2!! My goodness me I canny cope! I know I love to post a pic or 2???‍♀️of Ella and it might annoy some of you! So sorry! #notsorry! Hope everyone has the best week ever!! I know we will be! Bday celebrations start today and end Friday.. ish lol ?❤️❤️


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