ジャクリーン・ジョッサのインスタグラム(jacjossa) - 1月29日 20時52分

Please support little Alfie Evans ( @alfiesarmy ) in his fight for life! He was born healthy but months later began to have seizures so was admitted to a UK hospital and placed on life support! He has now been there for over a year and doctors still can't diagnose Alfie. Even though Alfie is on sedatives for his seizures, Alfie does the following; coughs, stretches, yawns, reacts to tickles/touch, spits his dummy out, makes movements etc! However, his hospital have sent Alfie's parents to court to end all life support! Alfie has a European Hospital on standby wanting to help diagnose Alfie and he can travel now and anywhere in the world - he is fit-to-fly! Court starts from 1st February and the decision about Alfie will be made on the 5th February)?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



