ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月6日 23時29分

The men call themselves the Melbourne Lion Wrestling Team. The name evokes both origins in Africa and a presence in Australia, a fitting title for a team composed of South Sudanese immigrants living in Melbourne, Australia’s 2nd biggest city. Every week, more than a dozen men, ages 15 to 30, meet to practice on an Australian football oval or, if the weather permits, along the beach. A few times a year, they travel across the country to compete with other teams, trading the animal skins and ash traditionally worn during Sudanese wrestling matches for gym shorts and talcum powder. “We want to keep our culture alive,” Awan Mading, 30, said during a recent practice. “It’s also good exercise.” In Sudan, #wrestling is a popular sport and an integral part of the culture. But in Australia, the small Sudanese community has come under unwelcome, and some would say unwarranted, scrutiny in recent weeks. Politicians, including the prime minister, have blamed crime in Melbourne on African immigrants. Asked if he considered himself Australian, Awan hesitated. “I love to call it a home, but it’s not really quite,” he said. “We want to embrace Australia, but we keep getting rejected. I call myself a Sudanese in Australia, not a Sudanese-Australian.” @mattabbottphoto photographed 2 members of the Melbourne Lion team training. Visit the link in our profile to read more, and to see more photos.


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