ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月6日 10時22分

@brett_gundlock photographed this wild #turkey on the road to Calakmul. The ancient Maya city, once the most powerful city-state in the classical Maya world, is now an immense archaeological site buried deep in the wild southern jungles of the 2,800-square-mile Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. From the early 10th century until the late 1920s — when, according to the oral tradition of the local rubber tappers, an American prospector spotted the site from a low-flying plane — #Calakmul was lost to time and memory. Its presence was officially registered in 1931. For the next 50 years, the rubber tappers working in the forest chipped the narrative glyphs from the city’s monolithic steles, selling the city’s recorded history one piece at a time. If you visit, you will hear the howler monkeys, but you won’t see many tourists. While Chichen Itza and Tulum attract as many as 5,500 visitors per day, Calakmul draws barely 100. Visit the link in our profile to read @nytimestravel’s take on Campeche, a #Mexican state on the Yucatán Peninsula that is rich in Maya sites like Calakmul.


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