テイラーRのインスタグラム(taytay_xx) - 2月4日 20時39分

One of the sweetest girls I know is fighting a tough battle right now. Although she’s not feeling well, we got to spend some time out of the hospital together today ☺️
She’s tiny and fragile but her spirit is stronger than ever. She did her make up, even though I know it took a lot of strength to do so.. she threw up, then put a smile on her face and continued to talk (which made my heart break a bit ?). I told her how much she’s grown just in the 1.5 years I’ve known her.. she’s gone through hell to become the woman she is today. She will get through this soon, but send her some positivity and love anyways ❤️ thanks for taking good care of her @manasenpai
Love you @ビーナス・アンジェリック . Conquer from within.??


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