デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 1月27日 06時50分

The next few months are work hard / play hard ones. I’m grateful to my friends and fans who continue to support my artistic endeavors. I can’t get to where I’m going without this foundation of support. My sister & right arm @_courtneycook_ - talented & helpful x10000.
My gf @itskelsitaylor who quite simply is a gift. #bestlaughs
More than anything you have to accept the universe is gonna challenge the shit outta you & sometimes it heaps several on you all at once. It can feel impossible - THAT is where it begins to turn. The events you must endure determine your character and the ability to cope & conclude regardless of who is pushing what button or slandering you or undermining you.
The impossible moment of hardship is the very beginning of the pendulum about to swing the other way.
Don’t deny you want something more right now & it starts to reveal throughout the days and weeks to come.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



