ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 1月24日 22時22分

Hiding from today’s responsibilities like.... ?? Since @johnnoblejn kept me awake virtually all night with his snoring, then really stuck the knife in by leaving to go skiing at 4am- ???- I decided to use my day efficiently and head to the gym... it seemed like a good idea- until I got there and @everyday_athlete_performance broke my spirit and made me question why I left my bed at all!! No allowances were made for very poorly (mostly hungover) girls and I decided to deal with the situation maturely... by hiding in a giant tyre.
Sadly I was found- I’m no where’s wally- and properly punished!! But the jokes on you @everyday_athlete_performance as I left you and went to @leonrestaurants and made a piglet of myself!!! AHA!!! Who’s hiding in a tire now?!!! (Still me)
Seriously though, after I trained I felt great- no beer fear, positive and having sweated any of last night’s toxins out of me I was free to have a nice good meal guilt free! And have a lovely clear head to work all the way home on the train- rather than just sleep and whinge! ?? My point?! Sometimes the sessions you want to do the least turn out to be your best ones... ⭐️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



