ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 1月19日 02時57分

4 days postpartum has felt much better than 3. Thank you for all the love (and stingy wee tips!) yesterday. It's so mad that you can be so deeply in love with your baby but at the same time feel so many other emotions- frustration at not being able to do much physically, vulnerable because your body is a mess and trying to mend itself, teary over every tiny single thing (Liam told me my legs looked slim earlier, I cried), excited because there's so much good to come and all of this just swirls about so that hour by hour you're on an emotional rollercoaster with your engorged tits and torn bits. Mothers are miracles! Look what we can do (and for some crazy reason, do multiple times in some cases!!). I know Day 3-5 are billed as the famous toughies so I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow is as kind as today and that the hormone rollercoaster slows down a touch! ??? ps- this tiny head smells divine. 'Baby head' is a perfume I would buy.


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