ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 1月17日 21時51分

3 days post birth and the adrenaline has worn off (that makeup on, hair done Waitrose trip? Da fuq??) and I'm feeling the grind. Tits and bits are sore, I move at a snails pace, loo trips are, um, stingy, I cry at everything and I feel gross. This isn't a pity party though. Every time I look at Pearl, I feel joy. She is pure joy. I'm well supported and well loved. I wanted to say something a bit more real and brutal than just the loveydovey stuff because this is reality and I don't want any mums/future mums seeing my life, thinking it's perfect and then being let down when theirs doesn't match to the handful of edited insta shots shared. The other night my full maternity pad fell in the loo, I stood up crying (and dripping on the floor) and Liam had to fish it out and tell me everything's ok- #realitycheck ??????


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