マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 1月18日 15時03分

In 2016 I started working with Andrew Huberman and the @hubermanlab at @Stanford University. The scientist there are working on some amazing tools using VR technology to help people with various conditions. Andrew and I Partnered with Mauricio Hoyas who has been stationed on Guadalupe island every season for over 13 years running the Isla Guadalupe Biopreserve and Field Station there. @MorneHardenberg and I began collecting footage of Great Whites that Andrew has taken back to the lab with amazing and very interesting results. This project has grown so far in the last 2 years when we first started talking about the possibilities. 2018 will prove to be the most progressive to date and I was very excited putting the brief together last night for this upcoming expedition. I look forward to Sharing more about this project as papers are published and we have more breakthroughs.


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