マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 1月17日 00時46分

These are ambush predators that are the top of food chain. But they too have a predator that eats them! Orca whales ambush great whites and eat their livers, and ONLY their livers as a dessert so to speak. What’s interesting is there has never been a documented attach of an Orca on a Human. I used to be so, sooo utterly scared of being attacked by a shark while surfing. For my first 20 years of surfing, anytime I was out there it would come to mind and I would get anxiety. 11 years ago I went out and faced this fear of mine and something amazing happened when I did that. Today I have zero fear of being attacked by a shark. I know the FACTS and the TRUTH about these animals. Are they still able to attack a human? The answer is yes but when you stand back and see how rare this happens and combine that with knowledge about their behavior you see the truth which is I am more likely to win the super lotto 2X this month then get attacked by a shark. It takes all the fear out of this image and allows me to really appreciate evolution of the perfect hunter of fish, NOT people. #FACTS not #FEARS


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