タッド・フジカワのインスタグラム(taddy808) - 1月15日 06時24分

Since I've had some time to reflect on the missile threat yesterday...it's got me thinking about some things and I just needed to blabber a bit. Lol.
It's made me thankful for another day. Sometimes we get so caught up in our struggles that we can't clearly see how blessed we are. We're constantly focused on how this is bad or I'm not happy or how this person is treating me. But really...do you realize that everything we have could be gone tomorrow? Life is too damn short. Hug your loved ones just a bit longer than normal and tell them you love them. It's made me realize that tomorrow is not promised. Your life can literally change in the very next second. In the end, all of the things you buy, your status, how much money you have...all of that will be gone. It's all temporary, but the legacy and impact you have on others and this world will be eternal. So go out and make a difference. Even the smallest thing can change a life. Be a blessing to others and find your purpose. Make some goals and smash them! Create YOUR vision and don't ever give up on your dreams! ❤️✌?️
On another note...My moods when I got that missile threat alert. And Wai was definitely unimpressed. Lolol. ?????
#selfie #asian #selfiesunday #inbed #dog #brother #family #love #home #hawaii #oahu #island #blessed #thankful #purpose


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