マリア・メノウノスのインスタグラム(mariamenounos) - 1月12日 07時04分

One of @maximus_menounos relatives at @westsidegermanshepherdrescue is available for adoption! Here’s some info on him:
Sebastian is a major love bug and loves giving kisses, just a really sweet dog. However he is not good with cats and small dogs! He will also be protective of his family, so he will need an owner who knows how to handle that, and will make Sebastian understand that he is not in charge, the humans are, when it comes to people coming into the house. Basically, he is your typical shepherd, with a prey drive and a protective side. He is not one of our Golden Retrievers in a Shepherd body. A home that has a huge amount of traffic is probably not ideal for him. Check their website for more info! #germanshepherd (ps not real relative but u know what u mean:)


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