マリア・メノウノスのインスタグラム(mariamenounos) - 1月8日 11時35分

#timesup When I visited the KIBERA school for girls in Kenya on assignment for NBC Nightly News, the biggest impact came from the six year old female students, living in a slum dubbed “hell on earth.” Every morning each girl would stand and recite to the class in English: “Hi my name is Anna and I am a girl and I am important.” Those words and those six year old gems have stuck with me since. I remember pitching this story to Nightly because it was important to me and cited the overwhelming research that proves if you invest in a girl, you can change the world. Studies do reveal that gender inequality severely hurts economic growth. This is not only true of the rest of the world,it’s true here, too.#timesup is about equal rights, it’s about fair pay, a safe harassment free and bully free work environment and it’s about just plain decency. It’s about women not having to suffer at the hands of men (and those complicit women who do their dirty work) who together hold your livelihood , dreams and careers over your head and make you suffer while propping up and rewarding the men, despite their poor behavior on and off the job. It must all end. #whywewearblack


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