2017 had its ups and downs for me, I’m a strong believer that we make our own success and everything happens for a reason. I’ve had lots of changes in the past year of my life, my climbing continues to evolve as does my body, my wisdom and mind. 2017 started with my 10th and 11th National Championships victories, it then took a massive nosedive with my bouldering season which was the worst of my career. I rallied back for the lead season and got a medal at the World Games ? and another at the French World Cup ? ~ I thought things were starting to climb back up and then I had a finger injury. Maybe it could’ve been avoided as it was at a bouldering competition but then again injuries always happen for a reason. I dealt with it appropriately and I feel more motivated than ever. There is always a thread of anxiety and the fear of hurting it again but that’s just the conditioning of my mind. As my Olympic journey continues, injuries are just a part of the process and it’s how we deal with them that determines our path. Climbing, training and pushing myself are such an integrated part of my life but at the same time something I love to do? ~ My close friends are also immensely important to me. Having a crew of people to help reflect who are exterior to climbing but not to sport is something I am very fortunate to have. Having a team at my side throughout the year supporting me is also something that is new but immensely important as well. I got to meet some amazing people this year and stay in places for extended periods of time; I also rediscovered my love for a few different things. I’m excited about 2018 and really excited to see what happens. Lastly, thank you to all my fans who I really see as my friends cheering me through the power of social media and live streaming. I love reading all your comments, messages and words of encouragement. I try to be entertaining and I love leaving Easter eggs here and there in my posts. Thanks for being a part of all my journeys! ?? ~ Always end something with a quote so the one I chose was this: “Support your passion until your passion can support you”. I live by this. Wishing everyone a great 2018!

mccollseanさん(@mccollsean)が投稿した動画 -

シーン・マコールのインスタグラム(mccollsean) - 1月1日 11時00分

2017 had its ups and downs for me, I’m a strong believer that we make our own success and everything happens for a reason. I’ve had lots of changes in the past year of my life, my climbing continues to evolve as does my body, my wisdom and mind. 2017 started with my 10th and 11th National Championships victories, it then took a massive nosedive with my bouldering season which was the worst of my career. I rallied back for the lead season and got a medal at the World Games ? and another at the French World Cup ?
I thought things were starting to climb back up and then I had a finger injury. Maybe it could’ve been avoided as it was at a bouldering competition but then again injuries always happen for a reason. I dealt with it appropriately and I feel more motivated than ever. There is always a thread of anxiety and the fear of hurting it again but that’s just the conditioning of my mind. As my Olympic journey continues, injuries are just a part of the process and it’s how we deal with them that determines our path. Climbing, training and pushing myself are such an integrated part of my life but at the same time something I love to do?
My close friends are also immensely important to me. Having a crew of people to help reflect who are exterior to climbing but not to sport is something I am very fortunate to have. Having a team at my side throughout the year supporting me is also something that is new but immensely important as well. I got to meet some amazing people this year and stay in places for extended periods of time; I also rediscovered my love for a few different things. I’m excited about 2018 and really excited to see what happens. Lastly, thank you to all my fans who I really see as my friends cheering me through the power of social media and live streaming. I love reading all your comments, messages and words of encouragement. I try to be entertaining and I love leaving Easter eggs here and there in my posts. Thanks for being a part of all my journeys! ??
Always end something with a quote so the one I chose was this: “Support your passion until your passion can support you”. I live by this. Wishing everyone a great 2018!

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