Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 1月1日 06時26分

In a world with tons of mediocre people, my only wish for you on 2018 is that you realize the full potential hidden inside of you. Osho used to say that one single seed could make the whole world green. Those seeds have been spread all around the Planet, and they’re maturing, they will crack both from the outside and from the inside, once you decide to do it. The outside work has been completed, we are only waiting for you to decide to come out and play. This is the Nature of things, I call it #WINNING and it is my wish that all of you become addicted to it. The game started the day you were born, so why not play to win? If we want to defeat the dark side of Humanity, only a finely tuned Spirit, used to Victory, will do. And until we become that, we are just part of the problem: Cry babies complaining and losing all day long. So for 2018, I want to wish you all the #WINNING on the world. Nothing else, you’ll become addicted to it.
#PapaBearChronicles #WINNING


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