Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 1月1日 01時18分

Formally introducing my son Tini, named after my brother @tinitun1 One of the best DJ’s in the world. Tini and I have been friends for almost 20 years, and just like a Jaguar, Tini is not that big, but he is super fierce. I’ve seen him drive crowds crazy at every mayor festival, he used to be a resident DJ at what’s considered the best electronic club in history: Twilo in NY. I still remember 2 Magical nights out of hundreds that we’ve spent together dancing to Sacred Music: In Acapulco, with @tinitun1 DJING to more than 20,000 people, and my second favorite, at an after hours where he played for 19 straight hours only for one person (He played 7 hours in front of tons of people before) but the last 19 hours it was only me listening. I Love this new Jaguar with all my Heart because he is crazy but noble, he kept in check 7 Lions the other night. He is gorgeous and has some dark lines in his eyes that reminded me of a certain maturity that only facing your demons in the dance floor under the Power of Sacred Music gives you. Thank you @tinitun1 for spreading Light & Love for years. My Jaguar and you are one. It is an honor to call him Tini after you. In the words of Yoda: “Judge me by my size do you?” Good thing that I never trust my eyes, only my Heart, so I can see...
#BabyTiniTunBJWT #SaveJaguars #SupportTheMusic @tinitun1


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