シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 12月31日 02時38分

For many years, sadly since I was a child, I have searched for my voice... the one which abuse and violations silenced. The voice which didn’t need to use a character to act as though I was strong. The voice which echoes the experiences so many millions of women have had. The voice crying out inside to share my pain. I have clung to therapy to help me navigate my shame, trauma and confusion. It was the only place I felt safe to speak the unspeakable. This year the wave of women who strongly came forward with resounding voices and similar stories allowed me to feel less alone. It’s helped me find my voice, start to heal, stand with strength and place the blame where it belongs. Today I step out from the shadows and step into the light. Knowing I am not the one who needs to hide.. knowing I am stronger for having survived and worth more than any violation made me feel. Knowing my voice and stories need to be heard. So please know you’re not alone and your voice is valuable to many! #meToo


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




