ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月24日 02時13分

A meeting ground for skaters of all shapes and sizes, Brooklyn Skate Club draws a cast of regulars, many in their 50s and 60s. They know one another from their days haunting the Empire Roller Skating Center, a defunct #Brooklyn rink. They get effusive, even tearful, when talking about skating and the tight-knit bonds that it creates. But the word “skating” hardly does service to their skill: Movement doesn’t start with the foot, or wheel; it’s based on musicality and groove. Their bodies aren’t stiff. Soft knees provide elasticity, and buoyancy in the joints — whether a skater is weaving expertly through the crowd, like a skier swishing between trees, or softly circling in place. These skaters are dancing on 8 wheels. For the last 8 months, @jessierocks has been documenting the scene at Brooklyn Skate Club — a word-of-mouth oasis that convenes every Wednesday. Visit the link in our profile to watch #Brooklyn Skate Club regulars, like Janitha Breland, dance their wheels off. #?


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