スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 12月21日 10時05分

? Since his veterinary exam last month, #TianTian has been receiving specially made biscuits courtesy of the Department of Nutrition Science. Our clinical nutritionists created the special biscuit recipe to supplement Tian Tian’s usual diet of bamboo, leaf-eater biscuits and fresh produce. This new biscuit is made from regular leaf-eater biscuits, two other high-fiber biscuits and beet pulp. Beet pulp is a great source of fiber. After weighing and mixing the biscuit “dough,” nutritionists chill the mixture, shape the dough into small biscuits by hand, and dry them in a special oven overnight. The following day, they are delivered to Tian Tian who eagerly eats his special biscuits along with the rest of his food. The biscuits have not replaced any of his normal diet. He is still eating bamboo, regular leaf-eater biscuits and produce. #PandaStory


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