タヴィ・ゲヴィンソンのインスタグラム(tavitulle) - 12月5日 02時51分

Proud beyond belief of @petrafcollins and her new monograph with @rizzolibooks. I knew it would be beautiful and I knew I loved these photos and I thought I knew the stories behind them, but there is so much generosity in the written portions, so much vulnerability, that they’re teaching me even more about my friend and about the kind of artist I would like to be.
I hate to make something so impactful in its own right about a cultural moment, but I couldn’t read these passages without thinking about how many [male] artists have used success to *avoid* self-reflection. Like everyone, I am reevaluating how much to expect of the figures I admire from afar, and if/how that should impact what I could learn from experiencing their work. But what a fucking relief and GIFT when there is nothing to reconcile. When actually, you get to admire someone whose growth as a person SERVES her growth as an artist and vice versa. I’m so lucky that my favorite artist is also my best friend, and to have this incredible record of the many lives she’s already lived.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




